Tuesday, October 7, 2008

my yearbook drama

this is from my comm1 class essay report... we were asked to bring a thing that is recently have been somewhat memorable in our life... oh well the most melodramatic thing that i can only think of was my yearbook so i wrote something about it...

-my yearbook drama-

There was a lot of drama that I have encountered before I was able to get my yearbook. Just to get it, I nearly met two accidents on my way home and back to the Miagao campus. I have to cut some of my classes, actually, my major classes because I have reached overtime to the allowable span of time that I'm supposed to get it. Also, I must not forget the imitation of an action-packed movie in my conquest for my yearbook. But eventhough I suffered enough trouble, I believe that it's all worth the drama.

The near-accident-prone experiences of mine before and after getting my yearbook were really memorable. Before going to the seaport, I nearly bumped on a moving car in the side of the street. Actually, I was hurrying up to catch up the next trip and I was not able to see an approaching car beside me that if I move one foot on the open side of the street, I could have been busted. And looks like I received a double karma because before I reached the nearest jeepney going to Super, a white unscrupulous car bumped my bag and nearly made me tumble to the ground. Fortunately, my life was spared, although the cord of the radio in my bag was detached from the radio.

Accidents were accidents but the cutting of classes part was my choice. I need to skip the NSTP-CWTS(National Service Training Program-Civil Welfare Training Service) class just to catch up the afternoon trip. Since Monday that then was holiday and there was no class in the high school building, I need to go on Tuesday morning which means sacrificing my 7am Geology 11 class. Also, since I cannot catch up the 8:30 Zoology 10 lec class, I cut classes there too. My 10:45 trip to Iloilo was delayed and making it to my 1pm Zoology 10 lab class was impossible summing up to three skipped classes in my heavy Tuesday schedule.
Among the three subdramas, the action-packed conquest for my yearbook was the best part. In order to make my homecoming worthwhile, I need to embody roadrunners speed to rush an early trip and spend majority of my Saturday at home. Because of that rush hour, it seems that I forgot some of the things I want to bring back home-my toothbrush, my notes, my books, and my cellphone charger. But still, nothing beats my “grand alumni homecoming” in my dearest high school wherein I was like circumnavigating the world looking for the yearbook moderator to get my yearbook immediately. Because everything was delayed already, panic struck me to constantly remind or even plead to the driver of the Miagao jeepney to imitate Michael Schumacher to hurry up so that I can make it to the 4pm PE long exam.

You may ask me why I have to risk my life on hit-and-runs, to be oblivious on things, to make myself shameless on demanding the drivers and the yearbook moderator, and, to sacrifice my major subjects, for the sake of a high school remembrance. But I guess, having seen my yearbook already, it's all worth it anyway. It is not just a thing but a world of memories that lasts for a lifetime. It contains the faces that launched a thousand memoirs, making my life, my high school life, move faster and slower at the same time. It is not the thing, but the people of whom I have loved the most and beloved me in return, whom I have shared my lowest lows and my highest highs, and, of whom the every single strand of heartfelt and heartache memories in my soul belonged to...

---oh well... that's all... i just finished this for about an hour...
***FYI: My school, the Univ. of the Phil. -Visayas is in Miagao, a town in Iloilo province... i live in another province which is just beside the panay is. where Iloilo is located... but still, i need to cross "ocean-ocean" just to go back and forth from my school to my home... haha...

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