Sunday, October 26, 2008

justice makes the world go round***

October 25, 2008

You may notice based on my last two blogs how poetic I am when it comes to the magic word, JUSTICE. Well for me, it is not just a magic word actually. It is for me a living saint in every society. It is a hope carved in every being that will later on be a great armor for one’s individual independence and one’s battle for social independence. One must just polish it. But first and foremost, one must have the enough courage to realize that each one of us has it. It is just actually waiting for us to know that we originally own it after all. And so, a drop of injustices just bogs me every time I smell its warm blood and feel its sting.

Yup! I’m just too crazy about justice. Besides my family values of course, maybe it is because I am living in a country under democratic rule---the government that is of the people, by the people and for the people. The results of it is either I am fortunate enough to actually own rights and manifest these rights in my own will and responsibility without interfering the justice possessed by every fellowmen; or I am fortunate enough to witness as I grow up the disparities and selfish desires and abuses of every countrymen, using the power of democracy to unleash injustices to his fellowmen. If the latter is the case, then maybe the Philippine democracy offs the people, buys the people and poors the people as what a famous spoof goes. It’s quite funny though it is a serious issue actually. I don’t really want to deal too much of what could be the grade of my country if it is scored from one to ten (one being the highest) for how well it has been being a democratic country. All I just want to point out is that how my democratic country created a living impact on me being a korny justice lover. Sounds, ewwww…

What the heck. The bottom line is: I get ecstatic whenever a thing about justice or anything at all that will intersect such ruptures in my mind. I will like turn insane whenever I hear an echo of injustice within the capacity of my senses could reach. And sometimes it freaks me out how I’ll react to situations when one was victimized by injustice of either of an unconscious person or of an abusive asshole. It surprises me how will I defend the right of that person for a just partition even though he/she was like a complete stranger to me 3 minutes ago. I remember when I was in high school wherein my close friends would usually say, “Hey, calm down! Don’t be so affected again” whenever I get too demoralized on raising my issue against injustices in the school. Spooky… Am I like a modern day hero? In my dreams! I am not even a fan of Justice League. If they are real persons, then maybe I am a far cry from their super hero status. Besides I am like a tiger with irritating fungi all over my body when it comes to speaking up about injustices that I witnessed. I complain loudly, not literally as in I am so tactless that I don’t have manners, but loudly as in I will really inform the persons involved regarding the matter and will not pass a day without solving it. In short, I will not do the opposite of it, which is “be still”, “be silent,” shhhhh. Period. Also, injustice bothers me. It’s like a caterpillar that irritates my back so I need to take it off immediately. It makes me move like a psycho ready to spray my body with insecticide just to get all those annoying mosquitoes.

To sum up, I am not a silent warrior when it comes to battling the injustices and wickedness of the world. I’m usually straight forward but still make sure that no one gets hurt when I will rush into conclusions. But sometimes I fail and could possibly injure someone along the way. I am a human being and I am not perfect. Yes, I am a die-hard justice fanatic but sometimes I slipped too much that I am even the one who starts the evil that I hated the most---the thing that bothers me like an annoying caterpillar or a mosquito. Not all the time I live up with my principles. Sometimes I mess up and do the other way. That’s why hell I will compare myself to any member of Justice League since they are like too pretty to put your face beside them. But I don’t give a damn to what the people will say every time I rally about the injustices of the world or of the whole humankind. I maybe a herald-like when I complain but swear I am not too annoying that my mouth is like attached to ten megaphones when I speak up.

Maybe all of this I learned because of the magic word itself. Because of justice I realized that not all the time my favorite word which is justice fits in within my brain that everyday I will not commit injustices although maybe sometime I am committing such after all wherein I thought all the while is about the former well in fact it’s the other way around which is the latter. Confusing… but I will solve that puzzle as I continue. So I think I just wish that justice will continue to inspire me everyday to be a better citizen. And I hope and I pray that I am one of the billions of people who look and admire justice this way or even in a better way than what I perceive it should be. I am always grateful with this. Sob*** ‘-]

“Justice should not only be done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done”.-Gordon Hewart (1870 - 1943) British lawyer and politician.

“Justice must not only be seen to be done but has to be seen to be believed”-Attributed to J. C. Morton (1893 - 1979) British journalist and writer.

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